Probably every young person has, at one time or another, heard “Well dear, that is just the ‘way of the world’”. This response is a catch-all response for things that are hard to explain; aren’t pleasant; or for things that have been a certain way for a long time for no particular reason.

Twenty seven years ago, when I was first introduced to the wonderful world of Workers’ Comp, I actually got that response from a client risk manager. It was in response to my naïve question at the time, “why are there so many back injuries”?  I had asked this question because, being new to workers’ comp, I discovered that back claims were one of the most common claims and the MOST expensive. I spoke to Risk Managers, Operation Managers, HR Directors and I got the impression that despite what they did to prevent these injuries, they kept on happening.

Well, today, 27 years later, we have solved the back injury riddle. We don’t have to say back injuries are the “way of the world” any longer. Logically speaking it didn’t make sense that the human spine was designed to fail more quickly than other parts of the human body.

There HAD to be a reason for these “breakdowns” other than it was the “way of the world”. Like anything else once you discover the “WHY” of a problem the solution is relatively simple.

Do you know why 80% of the population has a back incident in their lifetime? FIT discovered the basic reason for most back injuries that occur on and OFF the job.

“For years, my back would hurt a couple of times a year. Since starting at CDW and starting regular stretching with the Backsafe classes, I have had 4 pain free years.”

We have now implemented the solution to over 1 million employees across North America with remarkable success. The most gratifying aspect to our clients’ management teams is that they are receiving THANK YOU’s from employees for providing the Backsafe® training that serves them and their families on and off the job.

Employers now can prevent their most expensive claims and increase communication and TRUST with their employees at the same time. We don’t have all the answers to the “ways of the world” but we do for back injuries! They no longer fit into that description. The “way of the world” is for employees to go to work and to return home safe and healthy.

Dennis Downing, CEO
Future Industrial Technologies, Inc.