COVID 19 curtailed a lot of things but apparently not back and shoulder injuries! Most of our Backsafe® client companies and organizations were unable to have their employees trained in Backsafe over the last 12-15 months. Based on recent discussions, sprain/strains did not take any time off.

According to what we have been told, some companies were fortunate to increase their businesses due to higher demand for their products, while others were dramatically and negatively affected.

These opposite conditions created, at times, over-worked employees and conversely employees who were furloughed and much less active. Working longer hours, or more intensely worked normal hours, usually correlates to a higher frequency of injuries. And almost paradoxically not working or experiencing diminished opportunities for exertion can lead to a de-conditioned state which also correlates to higher injury risks, and this is compounded especially when furloughed employees return to work.

Those darn back injuries!! I own a “medical record” of an Egyptian worker dating back 2500 years. Yes, you guessed it—this laborer hurt their back and needed medical attention.

Your employees may not be building pyramids, but performing physical work tasks (and almost always with incorrect biomechanics) can eventually lead to an expensive and painful injury event.

Backsafe (and Sittingsafe® for office personnel) protects employees from ever experiencing those potentially life altering injuries at work and at home.  

So whether your employees have been extra busy during COVID or just coming back to work, we want to help. We want to help employees to prevent VERY painful back and shoulder injuries at work and at home.

Show your employees that they are cared for; and help them feel healthier with the stretching component of the Backsafe customized workshop. Please contact us to learn more about our on-site Backsafe training options or our new eBacksafe virtual training.

We know how to achieve a high degree of employee buy-in no matter their age of tenure with your company. Cutting workers’ comp costs and increasing employee morale can always be accomplished with the Backsafe training.

Contact us today!

“Class is fantastic, the information given/taught is something that is life long.”

– From a University in Northern California

Backsafe® & Sittingsafe® Live On-Site Workshops are AVAILABLE!

We are scheduling and delivering IN-PERSON Backsafe & Sittingsafe workshops! With the constantly changing recommendations for COVID safety and reopening protocols, FIT has solutions for every situation: in-person, virtual, or a combination of both!

Contact us today to discuss what options suit your current needs and let’s get busy preventing injuries! Call 1-800-775-2225 or email us!