It is official. We have entered the spring of 2021. The origin of the word “spring” is from Old English “springan”, meaning “to leap, burst forth, fly up”.  We can literally envision plants bursting to life and flying up from beneath the soil to begin their annual regrowth, their new beginning.  Perhaps in no previous year in our lives are we more ready for a rejuvenation to start afresh.

Spring connotes for many a season of activity.  We prepare our lawns, gardens, patios, and we open windows for fresh air while we spring clean.  We lug kids to outdoor practices and get out there ourselves to play sports and games. Yes, we are much more active in the spring.  At FIT, our goal is to help people to be able to stay active. We know that back, shoulder, and other sprain/strains can hinder our ability to be active and to enjoy the rewards of an active life. Let’s face it, life is so much more fun when we are healthy.

Do you know that over 29 years ago we discovered a correlation of performing routine daily activities improperly to most back injuries? This discovery led to the development of Bionomics™, the training philosophy that our Backsafe training programs are based on. Backsafe, in turn, has helped hundreds of thousands of employees across North America to experience many springtimes injury-free and saved millions and millions of dollars in workers’ comp claims in the process.


We are happy to announce a brand new Backsafe virtual training program has been created specifically for people at home! More and more people are working from home now, so we couldn’t think of a better time to launch eBacksafe® for Home Activities.  The course teaches people how to do the most common indoor and outdoor chores correctly and even how to stretch away any tired or tense muscles after the chores are done.  Attendees will learn how to protect their back, shoulders, knees, etc. when lifting children, making beds, doing yard work, and even around their vehicles!

eBacksafe for Home Activities is a “wellness” approach to safety and workers’ comp savings initiative.

Please email us to get on the list to be one of the first to preview this course starting on May 1st, or call us at 1-800-775-2225. 

“The customized online FIT program is so professionally done! The training quality is first class…”

– From a team member at a regional water district


Live On-Site Backsafe® & Sittingsafe® Workshops are AVAILABLE!
Please be informed that we are scheduling and delivering IN-PERSON Backsafe & Sittingsafe workshops! With the constantly changing recommendations for COVID safety and reopening protocols, FIT has solutions for every situation: in-person, virtual, or a combination of both!

Contact us today to discuss what options suit your current needs and let’s get busy preventing injuries! Call 1-800-775-2225 or email us!

Dennis Downing, CEO

Future Industrial Technologies, Inc.